Thank you, Mr. Chairman.
I, too, would like to welcome all our witnesses to the committee.
I have a fairly unique rapport with community radio. When I was a child, I was the host of a program for children. It was broadcast, not on community radio, but on a commercial radio station with a 1,000-watt antenna. I also did some radio when I was a teenager.
When a francophone movement in the National Capital Region called on me to get involved, in the summer of 2008, following a refusal by the CRTC to grant a licence to a francophone community radio station in the region, I went on the offensive. Now we know the results.
I have been in the House of Commons for 2,110 days. I must admit that, despite my devotion to the cause, I only went to see you once. Perhaps I should have gone more often. But you came to see us.
I would like to talk to you about culture. How can we ensure that community radio stations, and perhaps even community newspapers, can become a better mirror of minority linguistic societies? How can we help you along the way?