Thank you very much.
My colleague Mr. Bélanger mentioned Mike Harris's name. Mr. Harris is one of the reasons why I am here today. I became a member of the NDP the day after Mike Harris was elected premier of Ontario. I sensed that crises would follow.
There has been a strange situation in the health field, as there has been in education as well. The situation of the francophone community has been improved through accidental crises.
I was a high school student at the time, and it was during the education crisis that we finally got our own school board, which improved our situation. Now they have grass and trees in the yard of my old school, which was all concrete when I went there. Everything has changed. Sometimes it's strange how things happen.
First, I would like to clarify some results from the survey the Consortium national de formation en santé conducted. We note, among other things, that most people work in the health field once they graduate.
Have you determined what percentage of those people worked in French or in the minority language?