The youth network has developed a number of initiatives across the country that have been funded under the Roadmap.
In New Brunswick, for example, I can think of initiatives like Accros de la chanson, which is a development program for young artists. The involvement in that program has been absolutely phenomenal. Every year, the young people who come out of that project, as is the case with the Festival international de la chanson de Granby, form the next generation of Acadian artists.
As for examples of national initiatives, there is the Forum jeunesse pancanadien, the Parlement jeunesse pancanadien and the Stratégie d'intervention jeunesse as well. These are all events that we organize and that are designed to develop a greater civic commitment.
We're dealing with a nice problem at the national level because we have to turn young people down. Space is limited at our events, like our resources. A youth parliament can't have any more seats than there are in the Senate. Sometimes we have to tell young people that they can't come, and we're sorry about that.
It's an interesting problem that shows that the federation really resonates with young people in the communities. Our initiatives are a good fit with their needs.