Thank you, Mr. Chairman.
Welcome, everyone.
At the outset, I would like to tip my hat and congratulate you for the incredible work you are doing across Canada. As I wasn't elected at the time, I didn't have the opportunity to do the cross-Canada tour. So I've just discovered the extent of your work from your testimony and that of the witnesses who preceded you. I'm really impressed. I am of Quebec origin and therefore from a province where the majority of the population speaks French, but where we nevertheless have to fight constantly for the survival of that language. This means that I can only express my respect for you in your situation.
You're really the ones who offer the outreach services, regardless of the organization you work for. Do actions like those taken in recent weeks, the appointments of a unilingual English judge and auditor, trigger a wave of discouragement in your organizations causing your members and participants to lose motivation? Do they question the utility of all these efforts in this context where there are no leading lights?