Good morning.
Thank you, Mr. Chairman.
Ladies and gentlemen, it is a great pleasure for the Fédération des communautés francophones et acadienne du Canada to present its views on the successes and challenges related to the implementation of the Roadmap for Canada's Linguistic Duality. As the main representative of the French-language communities living in nine provinces and three territories, the FCFA bases its actions, as is the case with the Roadmap, on one major objective: to increase the ability of francophone citizens across the country to live in their language and to contribute to the influence of linguistic duality.
Since the start of the month, you have met with many organizations from our communities. They have talked to you about what they are doing to enable citizens to enjoy activities and services as part of their everyday lives. They have also told you about the importance of networks, gathering together, joint action and sharing good practices in the work of developing and implementing those activities and services.
In fact, they have told you about a reality specific to the francophone minority communities. Schools, community radio stations, health and justice services, welcome centres for immigrants, cultural centres and economic development support networks have been established because there were initially organizations and institutions that recognized the needs and brought together the bone and sinew of our community to meet them.
How could it be otherwise? In a context in which the francophone communities are often dispersed and remote, it is hard to see how they could ensure their development and access to French-language services of quality equal to that of the services enjoyed by the majority except by organizing themselves into networks and coordinating their activities based on specific issues and priorities.
The FCFA is no exception to this development model. With its slogan "Une voix qui rassemble," it is the ultimate expression of that model. The networking, collaboration, joint action and uniting approach inherent in what the federation does and is has on numerous occasions enabled us to make a tangible contribution to the lives of citizens who want to live in French.
Consider the French-language broadcast of the Vancouver Olympic Games. Barely a few days before the Olympic Games, a number of minority francophones still did not have access to the signal of the V television network, the official broadcaster of the games. Being well aware of the scope of the problem, the FCFA, through its national network, cooperated with a number of government, community and private stakeholders to find a solution.
The FCFA is also, and continues to be, the initiator of development sites that have enabled francophones to gradually gain increased access to services in their language. In particular, it was at the origin of the economic development, literacy and skills development, health and, more recently, immigration networks.
The federation coordinates a steering committee that brings together Citizenship and Immigration Canada, the provincial and territorial governments and stakeholders representing our communities. The FCFA also initiated the summit of francophone and Acadian communities, where more than 700 francophone citizens reported on progress and challenges in the communities and articulated a positive and common vision of that future.
Since then, the federation has coordinated the leaders forum, which comprises 43 agencies and institutions engaged in collaboration to carry out the Community Strategic Plan that emerged from the summit. The FCFA's position as leader of an extensive collaborative network that knows the priorities of francophone citizens makes the federation the inevitable point of contact for a federal government engaged in offering services in both official languages and supporting the development of the official language communities.
It is in that spirit, for example, that we are supporting a number of federal institutions in preparing and evaluating their action plans for the implementation of section 41 of the Official Languages Act. It is also in that spirit that the federation is collaborating with Canadian Heritage's Official Languages Secretariat to guide the Roadmap's implementation. This therefore leads us here to talk to you about this important government initiative, which is now at the midway point. Our comments on this issue are based on three components: major objectives, governance and accountability.
We'll begin with the major objectives. The Roadmap has definitely generated its share of successes. We have has tangible results in health and immigration, for example. However, although the Roadmap's emphasis on service delivery to citizens is welcome, support for the institutions and agencies called upon to provide those services remains a weak point. To echo what the representatives of the Société Santé en français told you, professional health training is definitely very important, but there has to be a place in the community where those professionals can provide the services, and that place must be managed and administered. The same logic obtains for every type of service provided to citizens.
It is important that the next Roadmap expand the approach based on the delivery of services to citizens, relying on the strengthening of the capacities of the networks that provide those services. This is part of the formula for success.
When a citizen accesses a service, that is because there has first been a market study. In this case, there is a market study, and it is the Community Strategic Plan that emerged from the 2007 summit, which, as stated in the Roadmap, clarified the needs of the official language minority communities.
We therefore recommend that the next Roadmap closely match up with the priorities expressed in the plan by the communities themselves. It should also rely on interdepartmental and intergovernmental collaboration in order to achieve tangible results for francophone citizens in an economic and efficient manner. The FCFA and its members are also working closely on common issues with the Conférence ministérielle sur la francophonie canadienne.
With regard to governance, when we are asked about the impact of the Roadmap at the midway point, one of the challenges our communities face is the lack of clarity. It is often difficult to establish a direct connection between an investment and a result in the field, or even to know whether a specific initiative has been funded out of the Roadmap or another program.
Where our communities, with a view to efficient planning, would have liked a breakdown of investments by department, by year and by initiative, the government has instead operated by means of ad hoc announcements. We would be hard pressed to tell you at this point what percentage of funding has reached the communities and what percentage has remained in the federal institutions. This challenge is indissociable from the challenge of coordination.
Implementation of the Roadmap requires a central authority that can oversee what each of the federal institutions concerned is doing, demand results and coordinate match-ups with all partners. The Official Languages Secretariat, which is responsible for implementing the Roadmap, is not equipped or in any position to perform that work efficiently. This coordination deficiency has highlighted a harmful effect of the Roadmap. Largely left to their own devices, certain federal institutions that receive funding have stopped investing their own resources in support of the official language communities. That was definitely not the effect sought by the government.
The last governance challenge concerns consultation. The Roadmap's horizontal management framework provides for very few mechanisms for dialogue with the official language minority communities, as a result of which some federal institutions have set targets and objectives for themselves without consulting the communities that do not necessarily reflect the objectives of the communities themselves. A horizontal management framework for a renewed Roadmap should provide for systematic consultations with the communities for the development, implementation and evaluation of each of the initiatives.
As regards accountability, we are all very much aware of the fact that the amounts of money associated with the Roadmap come from taxpayers. No one likes waste and everyone likes to see results. However, we have to have the human, financial and technical capacity to do the work.
As I mentioned earlier, our organizations are in the position of providers of a growing variety of services to citizens. However, in business, measuring customer satisfaction is an inherent part of service delivery. This is another solid argument in favour of strengthening the capacities of our organizations and institutions, particularly with regard to research and evaluation. This accountability also extends to provincial and territorial governments. When the federal government transfers funding to them, it confers on them responsibility to meet its official language obligations. However, the language clauses in the transfer agreements currently do not enable the government to ensure that funding has been well spent in the planned manner, with benefits for francophone minority citizens. And yet this is taxpayers' money. With that in mind, it is important to develop better accountability mechanisms and to include progress targets and indicators in the language clauses.
The last point I would like to address with you is the evaluation of the Roadmap. There has been a lot of talk about the mid-term report in your committee's proceedings. The FCFA is pleased the committee has adopted a motion in favour of publishing that report, which we definitely need.
That said, it is important to note that the FCFA and its members have very little information on how the summary evaluations that should begin this fall will be conducted. Furthermore, although the FCFA and the organizations receiving Roadmap funding were consulted for the community perspective at the mid-term point, we have not seen the report on those consultations and are concerned that our observations should be taken into account. This leads us to the lack of clarity we referred to in the chapter on governance.
In conclusion, I would say that, while the Roadmap has definitely produced tangible results, it had a somewhat chaotic start. It was announced in June 2008, three months after the start of the first of the five fiscal years over which it was spread. We had to wait until March 2009 to see the first investments made. Supposing the Roadmap is launched on April 1, 2013, not much time remains to trigger the consultation process in order to develop its content. From a logical standpoint of effectiveness and efficiency, we cannot afford to have a hiatus after March 31, 2013 that would suspend all work started under the current Roadmap.
Thank you for your attention, and I am ready to answer your questions.