In fact, there are various ways. The Roadmap targets and performance indicators, in most cases, were not identified in collaboration with the communities. In many cases, we were not consulted for the purpose of setting those targets. So we realized that they do not correspond at all to what we would have liked. In fact, we would have liked the targets to be higher. In immigration, for example, the target is a 1.8% increase in the number of immigrants in our communities, whereas we are aiming for a minimum of 4.4%.
Various means have been used in the past. For example, surveys have been conducted by departments such as Canadian Heritage. There have also been surveys, research. We have had round tables with management and the elected representatives of organizations. Summative evaluations are underway. We have to ensure that our communities, our citizens, are an integral part of those exercises. These are all very valid methods, but, in some cases, they have been abandoned in the past few years.