Currently, for example, we are involved in raising our community's awareness of sustainable rural development. We have had two seminars and one annual general meeting, AGM, to make our communities aware of the importance of getting organized to engage in rural development.
The second stage is mobilization, in which people commit to working on their rural development.
We are facing a challenge because we have very little research. There is research, but it isn't put in a context that we can use. Industry Canada could definitely support us at some level in developing or finding this research, but also to find ways to resolve or work toward resolving specific difficulties or problems in our communities. So I think a relationship with Industry Canada might enable our communities to get along much better.
It's true that we nevertheless have relationships with the Rural Secretariat, which reports to Agriculture and Agri-Food Canada, but I believe Industry Canada, like ACOA and all the other economic departments and agencies, needs to work with us. A department as important as Industry Canada could play a role like the one Canadian Heritage plays in the language field. It could be the gateway department that would enable us to address the entire problem with the Canadian government as a whole.