I can only speak for my organization. For instance, I'll start off by saying that the Black Community Research Centre does not have charitable status, so we find it very difficult to raise funds. That is one of the issues. Even in getting support—from other foundations, certainly, and from non-profit organizations—to give us money, there's always a thought in the back of the mind: thank goodness that we can get the kind of funding we can get through the road maps. I'm going to say that.
I'll go back to what I said in my speech to the chair. You really need, before you do that, to set in place measurable indicators; you need to tell us. And it needs to be done together. We need to understand what you define as success, just as we will tell you how we see success in our community. If we are all on the same page about the steps we're meeting, then in terms of a partnership, once we've met those steps, we deserve and should continue, for the sustainability of our community, with that funding.
But I think there needs to be from the government a very strong, clear indication that they're working with us to understand. We have our own strategic matrix—I have it here—which we worked on. We have a five-year plan based on our own understanding of what is success in community.