Well, I appreciate your concerns, but at the same time, I've had conflicting demands from members of the committee as to how they would like this committee structured. Some members, such as yourself, have asked me not to have more than three members on a particular panel. Other members of the committee have asked me not to split the committee into two panels of one hour.
I have to try to juggle these competing interests, and I do my best as chair. What I've asked for this morning, as a compromise, is that we have one panel of four different groups. I've asked that each of the four groups that have so kindly agreed to appear in front of us restrict their opening comments to seven minutes to allow us to move quickly into questions and comments. That's the compromise I've struck in order to balance those two very different suggestions from members of the committee.
Without further ado, we have in front of us today four groups: the Community Health and Social Services Network, represented by Madam Johnson and Mr. Carter; Youth Employment Services, represented by Mr. Aylen and Madam Unger; Mr. Farfan, Mr. O'Donnell, and Mr. MacLeod, representing the Quebec Anglophone Heritage Network; and finally, Madam Langevin and Madam Horrocks, representing the Leading English Education and Resource Network.
We'll begin with an opening statement from the Community Health and Social Services Network. I ask all groups to keep their opening statements to seven minutes.