Mr. Chairman, I'm a little bit sorry that it seems it's going to be rejected. This is a public document tabled in the House and available on our website. I gave notice of this in June, so anyone could have taken it upon themselves to obtain it. I'm quite prepared to ask our clerk to distribute a copy if it's simpler for members to get access to a copy of the document and read it.
But to defeat the motion on the grounds that we haven't seen or could not see the document I find is rather a weak argument. I'll respect it, and therefore I'll give notice that if that's the true basis of rejection, then fine, let's delay the vote or let's bring it back. But let's not be told, Mr. Chair, in two weeks' time when we bring it back that it's not acceptable to bring it back because it's been defeated once.
I'd like to know from you, first, that an exact same motion, to use your words, brought back in two weeks will not be rejected on technical grounds. If that's the case, then let's deal with it today. Then we'll see the true reason for a rejection in two weeks' time.