Thank you, Mr. Chair.
I support the motion. I just want to say that all of this is normal, that if a study is conducted, an election will follow and we would not get a response to the report.
The conservatives are very concerned about the economy and taxpayers' money. We wouldn't want to disappoint the taxpayers because they paid good money for this report.
The government was in favour of the report. I think that it was unanimous in this case. We would like the government's response. It would be very important to get it. We have the opportunity to go back, to take the report that was studied and to ask the government to give us a response to the report. Otherwise, we might have to do all the work over again, work I think is important.
It is very clear that there are a lot of places in our communities where the birth rate is low. With immigration, people from elsewhere settle in these communities. This is the case in Acadian communities like ours. In New Brunswick, committees have been formed and people brought in. A ration was established so that a given number of francophone immigrants support the francophone regions. The situation is the same in Manitoba, in St-Boniface.
We have conducted a good study. Now, all we need to do is obtain the government's response. If I was in its place, I would be interested in responding to this study.
Thank you.