Yes. As the occasion lends itself to this, I can refer you to the best practices guide, which is available on a website managed by the Department of Aboriginal Affairs and Northern Development called "Oser! Dare!". Our network of champions annually or regularly compiles and publishes best practices.
We talked about Sudbury a few weeks ago. A regional representative from the west told us that, in a region where the language of work is neither English nor French, employees in her organization meet once a week at lunchtime to talk about various business, film or cultural topics in French. They do that in order to improve their language skills and to establish a place where they can practise without the tension of having to use their second language in a parliamentary or senior management committee.
There are a number of initiatives of that kind in various departments. In showing these best practices, they encourage other departments that have not considered doing so to draw inspiration from it and make their own measures public.