Part VIII of the act grants us authority to issue policies and directives. The act very generally provides for certain obligations, such as the obligation of active offer. We are required to provide an active offer, but, between you and me, what is active offer? That should be clarified, and it is often through policies that we give departments clearer information on what should be done and the way it should be done. In the current policy review cycle, we have adopted an innovative way of consulting the departments, by using electronic platforms commonly called social media.
There were no participants when this electronic community started up two years ago. However, now there are almost 200. All that has been done because we use this method to put our policies forward and to survey the knowledge and reactions of the departments called upon to implement them so as to improve the products. That took on a life of its own, as a result of which we were able to create an electronic community based on practices and to achieve all kinds of other objectives.