We are thinking of a program that would enable groups and communities that are interested to contribute significantly to the 2017 celebrations, be it in the years leading up to the celebrations or during 2017 itself.
As for the mechanism that would make it possible to take part, a fund and programs could certainly be created. You could specify the main objectives of that. Certain existing programs that already meet these objectives in part could also be improved, but there should be a special envelope for large-scale projects as well.
Since we need to celebrate, there will no doubt be more activities of this type in those years. People need to be able to contribute. It's all well and good for groups to want to contribute, but it's another thing when we're talking about a collective, about families who band together to organize something, to celebrate with people in their region. In those cases, we're talking about people who really believe in it.
People sometimes wonder what the difference is between a chicken and a pig. The chicken contributes to your breakfast, but the pig, the pig is fully invested. It gives its very life. It leaves a part of itself on your plate. We want people to be able to contribute something to the festivities. That's sort of the case with the Société nationale de l'Acadie. We are thinking of organizing a kind of national convention of Acadia to determine what direction we want to take in the coming years as part of a collective Acadian project, what our involvement is in the national identity and how we contribute to collectively moving our country forward.