Precisely. It is extremely important to us.
I will speak to the senior dimension. We want to spark an interest in language among our francophones, first and foremost. Now, we're taking that to a second level. We want to arouse that interest among young people in immersion schools. What those administrators often say to us is, despite learning French, their students don't come into regular contact with native French speakers. What better way to stimulate those young French learners than to connect them with francophone seniors or Canadians? That would provide greater motivation and bolster these efforts.
As you said, there is a lot of promotional work that needs doing when it comes to the majority of Canadians and students who aren't in immersion programs. We need to advance that thinking.
The reverse is happening. My job is not to represent anglophones in Quebec, but I do know that efforts are under way in Quebec to encourage young people to learn English more. That movement exists.