Actually, post-secondary education is one of the outcome domains established jointly with the provinces. In the coming months, each province will come to see us and we will then be able to discuss the protocol, set the stage for bilateral agreements and engage in dialogue with each of them. In addition, each province will show us what it intends to do in each of the outcome domains, including post-secondary education. That partly stems from the province's overall education plan, be it post-secondary, secondary or other type of education.
We are in talks with the provinces. We have determined that post-secondary education is an outcome domain of common interest, not just for the provinces and territories, but also for us, the federal government. However, the provinces will have to provide us with their objectives and proposals. We are talking with them, trying to encourage them along.
In reality, many things are already in place at the post-secondary level. In addition, several provinces have set their objectives in order to increase the provision of programs as much as possible.