When the QCGN did our environmental scan a couple of years ago toward our strategic planning exercise, over 70 people were interviewed. It was felt at the time that the QCGN provided a very important service to the members. We work at a member level, so when you talk about representing the members, we also work with the members around their own ability in their communities, at the provincial level and at the federal level.
For example, the Senate committee came last year. A lot of our community members had never presented to the Senate, had not had that experience of presenting to the Senate. Ladies and gentlemen, if you've never done it before, it's a little unnerving. We helped our members prepare for the Senate so they could put forward their priorities, their challenges, and their concerns. Mr. Gourde, MCDC, Gaspé--these folks asked us for help to prepare. If we get cut, it's not about the QCGN representation; it's about our members having the ability to talk within their communities to their municipalities, provincial and federal...about their needs and challenges.