Let me give you an example of how just two individuals, two French-speaking immigrants, have achieved a lot of success.
The two people met the Association franco-yukonnaise at a Destination Canada fair in Paris. They were entrepreneurs who really wanted to leave France. They sold their business in France and came here. Initially, they wanted to buy a tourist lodge that they had found on a visit to the Yukon. When they arrived in the Yukon, the Association franco-yukonnaise welcomed them and provided them with assistance because they found themselves in a tricky situation: the lodge was no longer for sale. That was quite a problem. The project was the reason they had emigrated from France. They had to turn on a dime, so to speak. The AFY was with them through a series of steps.
Finally, they decided to build their own lodge in the middle of nowhere. I encourage you to pay them a visit. It is called Takhini River Lodge and it is magnificent. They built a high-end product. It is quite expensive to stay there, but the service they provide is unique. They offer tours to see the northern lights, dogsled trips, and all kinds of different services. You can sit at your table and watch the northern lights.
They have a francophone clientele, specifically from France. They designed their own website. They are really successful today. We were with them right from when they started their business and through all the steps they took.