In my opinion, there is practically no downside to the model. We are all located in the same building. All the services come under the same organization. So we have an administrative manager, an information technology person, receptionists and a secretary, all full-time. That would not be possible if each of those organizations were independent. The operating costs would be much too high for each organization to be able to offer all the services. As I see it, there are nothing but advantages to being together.
There is also better synergy and co-operation, because we are not fighting for the same sources of funding. We consolidate our monies. If one sector is in a little more difficult financial situation, as is always the case for the cultural division, the overall image of the organization still remains positive, because we can help each other. Some services have more funding and can take on certain costs that another service cannot.
In my opinion, it is a win-win situation, especially for the community. The community has only one place to go and does not have to worry about turf wars, so to speak. Having a one-stop shop really gives us advantages all along the line.