From Temiskaming Shores' perspective, is there a specific space for francophone business? We mentioned earlier that 30% of our population is francophone. I would suggest to you that 90% of all business in this community is done in English. A small portion of that business is done in French, and that's among francophones who likely know each other in the community, and know they would speak first in French to those individuals. That's neither here nor there, good nor bad. It's just a reality.
Business is still predominantly done in English because again it's the split of the community. The francophones often advise customers that they're francophones because the concern is that maybe that customer may not come back if it's a francophone business versus an anglophone business. Again, whether that's right or wrong is irrelevant; I'm told that by francophone business owners. The francophone-only business is probably a very small percentage of business just because of that concern. If you're a francophone, you still need the other 70% of the customers in your community to come and shop at your store, so you need all the customers rather than just the 30% who are francophone only.