I'm going to speak on that from the municipalities' perspective because I was involved through the amalgamation process.
We were three smaller communities that amalgamated and that has, in my opinion, done good things for this community. We came from three communities that fought over every potential investment in the region to see who might get it. On many cases we lost the potential investment to other communities around us because we were too busy fighting with ourselves. By working together now as one larger community we've been able to attract some significant investments and we're being seen as this economic and service hub for the region, because we're the larger player. More and more retail investment keeps coming in, and as we continue to grow we continue to draw folks from further away, which then helps all of the businesses in the community, whether they're francophone or anglophone. But definitely it's impacted us from the Quebec side.
As we've become this larger growth area and attracted some of these national retail chains, that is definitely drawing a significant number of residents from the province of Quebec who generally have only many small communities to work with and small businesses in those communities, so now they're able to access services from these large retail chains that they just couldn't access previously.