I would like to answer and then give the floor to Mr. Antunes, Maurice and Anne.
This major turn is not to be missed. RDEE Canada has a working group that is looking into the issue. This is the Green Economy working group. RDEE already has a lot of expertise and an entire information-sharing system. We are working with leading partners, including the Federation of Canadian Municipalities, which is sort in charge of the greenhouse gas inventory, in order to ensure consistency across the country.
In addition, RDEE is well positioned, thanks to this group that works with very good partners from outside, people like the ones here. ICLEI's head office is in Winnipeg. We have people who work abroad and here, locally. I am referring to Green Manitoba, from the province of Manitoba, and Western Economic Diversification Canada.
Systemically speaking, this issue of a green economy is really very complex, but this expertise ensures that francophones are now able to play a leading role, not only in their own communities but also in their neighbouring communities because many of these projects are regional in scope.
When we talk about bringing innovation to the market, we are securing a good position for the entrepreneurs and the young people of La Broquerie, for example, the people Maurice referred to. In fact, they have signed major agreements because of Centralia. We are also thinking of La Coop fédérée du Québec and that is all linked together.
I think development really means to be able to establish good structures to support our regions and our municipalities and to be able to play with the big guys.