Planning is very important. Indeed, it is important to not realize that you need hosts on the very evening before an event. You have to ensure that services can be offered, and that the signage, ads, fliers and athletes' biographies have been planned, and that you have established a rapport with the minority community. This was done unofficially in Sherbrooke. In Prince George, the organizers established an official partnership with the local francophone community. They also made sure that they had a sufficient number of bilingual volunteers.
The Sport Canada recommendation was that 10% of volunteers be bilingual. In Prince George, the organizers set that figure at 22%; 22% of volunteers needed to be sufficiently bilingual to offer services. They also established links with the Prince George French-language high school, as well as with immersion schools. Finally, they planned things so that the school holiday coincided with the Winter Games.
All of that shows that the linguistic planning principles were integrated into the planning of the games.