Your question has four aspects, and I'd like to touch on them.
First, someone who immigrates to Canada does not always understand Canada's complex identity and, therefore, doesn't fully understand this idea of official-language communities.
For instance, if someone speaks Russian or German and immigrates to Germany, that person does not necessarily understand all the complexities of that country. Immigrants want to go to a foreign country to have a better quality of life. It isn't the immigrant's fault for not understanding that reality. Immigrants are doing what anyone would do, which is to improve their situation. That's why people come to Canada, a country that offers a quality of life that is available in very few countries. Our system is extraordinary and works well.
Second, quite often newcomers will work in urban settings. They will go and work where there is the largest demographic weight of their own community. They identify with their group. If their groups speaks the common language—English for example—they won't seek out French, a language they don't identify with. Francophones outside Quebec have progressed mainly because of two things: Quebec francophone immigration to certain regions of New Brunswick and French immersion. These were the two main gains for francophones. They helped maintain this idea of communicating in French.
Third, there isn't a guidance system that helps immigrants function and get services. There is nothing that directs them to what is called the community of the other official language. If newcomers integrate into the francophone setting outside Quebec, it's because they really are francophones and can't speak another language. This may be the case for Africans from Congo, the Central African Republic, Burkina Faso or Mali. They don't speak English, so they immediately go to where there are French speakers since it is the only language they understand. However, if individuals are linguistically mobile, they can go elsewhere. That's where the problem lies. They don't choose the official-language minority community because they don't know it exists, not because they don't like it.
Fourth, let's talk about the community associations that Canadian Heritage funds through its various programs. The agreements between the communities and the federal government also need to develop a component so that the official-language communities and the associations can create institutions, organizations and components that support these aspects. Too often, we expect the government to do all the work. That doesn't mean that the government can't help, but it needs to support the development of other systems that could work in parallel and that would do excellent work.
I'll give you a simple example. I was the chair of the Conseil de la coopération de l'Ontario for five years. The conseil has run the youth Canada works program for several years. It administers a program and is subjected to audits. The agreement is renewed every three years because the numbers are good and the data is there. It funds the creation of summer jobs in both official languages. Isn't that something to consider? In some regions, these communities and these organizations could work on integrating immigrants, grouping them together, supporting them, helping them and enrolling them in college and university. We would then have a mechanism where the government would give its support, but would not be required to run the whole thing. There would be the responsibility of the communities themselves through a system for exchanges between the government, the immigration system and the associations. That option exists.