Annex B to our brief contains a map that shows where our students are. We have to know where they are. We can't just have a sample. We have to know where all the young people are so we can know where to build our schools and where to focus our efforts.
Last year, we received four requests to open new schools. If figures showed that there were 50 francophones in one place and 500 in another, our decisions would be much easier to make. Today, however, we base our actions on the people who arrive and what's asked of us.
We talked about identity and immigration. When newcomers arrive in British Columbia, they don't know they can choose one language or the other. They assume a lot of things. For example, francophone immigrants who arrive in British Columbia put their children in anglophone schools because they want to make sure they have a space. We have to provide education, but, to educate all those people, we have to know who they are and how to speak to them.