In certain departments and agencies, there are official languages champions to promote the use of both official languages and share best practices everywhere. Frankly, we have to do more, and I would like to increase our efforts to improve services in government, in departments, agencies and among public servants, to improve the services we provide to citizens. That is a part of our efforts in this area.
The role of the official languages champions as a policy has only existed since 2012. It's a fairly short period of time.
I very much like the idea and I think they're doing good work. I want to strengthen the roles of the official languages champions. Even during our briefings it's important to encourage public servants to speak in the language of their choice, not just in my department or agency but elsewhere.
I don't want to miss anything. You may notice that in a committee sometimes, but even in cabinet meetings or in caucus meetings, I don't use the earpiece because it helps to improve my ability. This is a tool. It's important in an official capacity, sometimes, to have this so I don't miss anything and I don't disrespect any nuance in a question.
We want to ensure that people are encouraged to utilize their language of choice, but also to learn actively within the public service. Good progress has been made in the official languages champions but I want to make sure that we're giving them the resources and support they need to increase the value and capacity of their work.