We have three main funding sources.
The first is member subscriptions. The cost of a subscription is not very high compared to those of other organizations, $1,000 per college or cégep.
The second is funding from Canadian Heritage, which grants us a base amount of $288,000 a year. It also funds projects under what we call the interprovincial cooperation program. The cégeps and colleges submit projects on which they intend to work together. We receive an annual amount of $100,000 to support them.
We also have a program called PRECEPT-F. I cannot tell you what that means because I do not know myself. There are too many letters. These are projects involving an exchange of expertise among francophone cégeps and colleges.
Since the Government of Quebec provides $150,000 out of a budget of $300,000, a Quebec cégep must be involved in projects with colleges from other provinces and territories. We have $300,000 to distribute per year for these projects. In October, we will issue a call for PRECEPT-F projects and will therefore have $300,000 to distribute among our members for transfer-of-expertise projects. There are a lot of projects involving distance training and online education.
The colleges do a lot of work together and that is good.