I alluded earlier to the fact that we had asked lawyers, consultants, and researchers to analyze all that. We told them that, for the analysis, we would provide them with the reports for each of the 28 school boards in the country who belong to our network, as well as the reports submitted by the provinces and territories. Occasionally, we had to file an access to information request with the ministry of education to obtain a report. So we asked those experts to analyze the reports and to try to make sense of it all. It proved an impossible feat. We knew the ministry had spent so many millions on such and such priority, but nothing more. And if the information could be identified, the school board didn't even know that it had received a specific amount of funding for a particular priority.
As for what's been negotiated, the funding is supposed to be based on a fifty-fifty split. That's the condition imposed by the federal government. It's prepared to hand over x million dollars provided the ministry contributes the same amount. We found out a few weeks ago that the federal government, in very broad terms, was indeed providing x million dollars. But where's the other 50%?