It's true that Mobilité francophone does not apply to you, because it's for francophones outside Quebec. I can say, from experience, that I have worked on labour market opinions, or LMOs, which preceded labour market impact assessments, but were easier. The fee for the employer was $250, as opposed to $1,000. The posting period on job banks would be two weeks, compared to four at present.
The government's efforts on these LMIAs have not produced the anticipated results. Employers are reticent. It's very difficult. When someone makes an LMIA application, they contact ESDC, which responds that this aspect is handled by IRCC. When they contact IRCC, the response is that the ESDC is the responsible for it. So there's a lack of coordination, discussion and communication between these government bodies on the subject of LMIAs. It's very difficult to get answers, and it's very difficult for an employer to get support for the process.
If efforts were made to provide support for the process, and provide help for preparing LMIA applications, more employers would be inclined to submit such applications.
It's certainly possible to reduce the posting time for positions in short supply, such as bakers. In Ontario, there's a shortage of heavy truck drivers. In my opinion, LMIAs should be simplified for fields where there's a shortage of workers.