It can mean many things. Generally speaking, people like our tools. We have held consultations on four aspects: our audits and audit follow-ups, our annual reports, our promotional tools, and our performance report cards and observation exercises, which we usually do, but not this year. People had positive things to say about all these tools.
When I talk about doing more, I'm thinking of making these products more widely known. Communities were very unaware of our audit reports. How could they use them to advance their cause? We make recommendations, and the federal institutions are committed to implementing them. They can also use our tools. What I meant by “more” is that our tools could be more visible and more widely used.
Of course, the more tools we put in place, the more the communities and institutions will benefit.
Institutions often ask us for tools to help them do their jobs. We have developed a few in the last year. What I mean by “doing more” is everything that can help them meet their obligations.