No. However, let me give you the example of the reference to the Quebec court of appeal of the federal plan for a national securities commission. It was a few years ago now. Knowing that the decision was going to be published nationally, the court of appeal delayed the publication of its judgment so that it could have two official versions. That is not institutionalized as a practice. With major cases, decisions of the Quebec court of appeal are not automatically published in both languages at the same time. There is no requirement to do so.
For us, the language of the judgment is generally determined by the identity of the person who loses the case. That is what we are taught. If one party speaks French and another party speaks English, we are going to be asked to write the judgment in the language of the losing party. That is so in the superior courts and also in the court of appeal. Judgments are not automatically published in both languages.
Let me take this opportunity to pass on a fact to you. Today, when I met with some people from the ministry, I found out that all the translation would be handled by SOQUIJ. That means that someone is actually able to take charge in a project like this. Clearly resources are limited in Ottawa, but they are to an even greater extent in the provinces. We need budgets to—