This morning, we are pleased to welcome the following witnesses: as an individual, we have Dolorèse Nolette, Assistant Dean and Director of the Centre collégial de l'Alberta, Campus Saint-Jean; Albert Nolette. from the Association canadienne-française de l'Alberta; Nathalie Lachance, from the Conseil scolaire Centre-Nord; Marie Commance-Shulko, from Edmonton Public Schools; Cynthia Huard, president of the Institut Guy-Lacombe de la famille; Gillian Anderson, president of the Fédération des parents francophones de l'Alberta; and finally, Sarah Lessard, from the Société de la petite enfance et de la famille du Sud de l'Alberta.
Good morning, and welcome to you all.
We want to hear all your presentations, but we have to keep a little time for the questions that members may ask or the comments they may make. So you each have five minutes for your remarks, and I will be quite strict about it.
Ms. Nolette, the floor is yours.