You can understand that, even if a francophone elected official is not able to bring a bill to a vote, it will be picked up in the newspapers. Personally, I have not yet read an article about a member who says he is a francophone, attends happy hour, and defends the cause.
Let me give you some background. As to the number of daycare spaces, twenty or so new schools have been built in the province, fairly strategically. I can tell you that these schools are like five-star hotels. The only thing they are missing is an Olympic-size pool. These schools are built in new communities or new subdivisions. Who buys those new houses? Young families.
We are talking about the availability and accessibility of schools and services, but the only francophone school is in the south end of the city. Take me as an example. I am a parent first and then the chair of the school board. I have three young children. We live in the north end of the city in a new subdivision. We have to cross the whole city to reach the only francophone school, which is in the south end, and that is also where the only francophone daycare is. I can tell you it is a sacrifice. Our travelling time is over an hour. By the time we get the children home, we hardly have any time to do all kinds of other things for them. The school is the means, the avenue for preserving our language and culture.