In Manitoba, there’s a good program called “French for Life. There are also posters all over town, on the buses and on benches. I feel that there has been a great change over the last 20 years. French is promoted to everyone as a living language. It is being done not only to the kids who have learned French at home but also to the kids learning it at school. In my opinion, that is why there is an increase in the demand and the registrations for immersion programs.
I feel that it will continue in the future. My dream is that all young people will learn French and English, that every kid will be bilingual. So there could be businesses all over the place where people would speak to me in French without my even asking whether or not the service is available in French. That is my dream. I feel that the way to make it come true is through education at school, but also, informally, through projects such as the Jeux de la francophonie canadienne and the Parlement jeunesse pancanadien.