Ms. Drzystek alluded to the fact that some school divisions may not call upon bilingual specialists, special needs teachers or guidance counsellors. In many school divisions, the immersion program is offered in dual-track schools, that is, there are two programs within the same school.
Parents often have a misperception. They feel that, if their child is having difficulty with the immersion program, it is because of the language. As administrators, our job is to make them aware of research showing that changing programs is not the answer to learning difficulties.
We are very well supported in our school division with the immersion program. Francophone special needs teachers, guidance counsellors, psychologists and social workers can help the children attending our immersion school. It is important. Research shows that, when they can receive adequate support, children with learning disabilities may be successful in the immersion program. But debunking a myth is not always easy.