Thank you.
I'm just trying to be clear here. I've been on many committees, and I'm not really sure what's going on, and it's not just because I speak English.
I've asked about whether we'll have witnesses. If we're agreeing that we're going to have some witnesses, I'm perfectly supportive of this motion. I am not supportive of saying, “Well, we were unanimous in the past, so we'll be unanimous now.”
We have a role to play here, which is to be the voices of people out there. This is not about filibustering. I'm willing.... I can pass this motion now and say I totally support it, but, to me, the role of committee is to give the people of Canada an opportunity to be heard on fundamental issues. We don't just meet with the functionaries and then go home.
I'm just trying to get a sense.... Do I have to have it in the motion? Do I have to amend the motion, or can we just go with this motion and say that next meeting we'll talk, pick some witnesses and move on?
I don't know how the committee works. My other committees.... I need to have a sense. Do we want an amendment, or are we going to vote for this and just say we'll come back and meet?