Thank you very much, Ms. Lauzon and Ms. Ashton.
That is all the time that we have.
I would like to take a moment to thank all the witnesses who have contributed to our study.
My warmest thanks go to Ms. Lauzon, from the Association de la presse francophone, Ms. Guemiri, from the East Island Network for English Language Services, Ms. Johnson, from the Community Health and Social Services Network, and Mr. Borbey and Ms. Dubreuil, from the Public Service Commission.
I invite the witnesses to send any other information to our clerk.
I'm now going to talk to the members of the committee.
We have to approve a budget for this study. We have emailed it to you. The total budget is $4,250, which is made up essentially of expenses such as $3,500 for videoconferencing and $750 for meals, if there are any people in the room.
We do not need a motion.
Are there any objections to approving this budget so that we can continue the study that we are currently conducting?
Hearing none, I will sign the document and send it to the clerk.
My sincere thanks for your cooperation.
My thanks also go to the entire staff, the interpreters, the clerk and technicians, for facilitating our work so well.
Colleagues, you will soon receive the notice of our meeting on Thursday.
Goodbye, and I wish you a wonderful evening.
The meeting is adjourned.