We have another group of witnesses waiting for the second hour, and we need to do some sound tests. Unfortunately, we have to manage our time carefully.
Mr. Labelle Eastaugh and Mr. Côté, On behalf of the members of the standing committee on official languages, I would like to thank you sincerely for your evidence. It's important for the study that we are conducting.
And thanks to you too, Mr. Perreault, even though we didn't get to hear you.
I'd like to remind you that Mr. Labelle Eastaugh is the Director of the International Observatory for Language Rights, and a Professor in the Faculty of Law at the University of Moncton. He is also a member of the Association des juristes d'expression française du Nouveau-Brunswick.
Mr. Côté, who is representing Impératif français, spoke to us in the absence of Mr. Perreault, who was experiencing technical difficulties.
Once again, I'd like to thank you and ask you to send us your briefs or reports, because we have just barely begun our study.
We are going to suspend the meeting for a few minutes, and then welcome the next witnesses.