I can answer those questions.
Immigrant francization is really a significant factor that must be considered for the future of French in Quebec. We won't deny that. We also have to ensure that Bill 101 is enforced in the schools for immigrant children, who represent a significant contribution. There are also all kinds of considerations. For example, I was talking about the ambiguity of the message the Canadian government sends regarding the English fact. We have to make sure no one challenges the fact that it all happens in French in the workplace in Quebec. That'll be a major contribution to the quality and vitality of French.
I think it'll be extremely important to maintain French language rights and to ensure no undue challenges are raised to the French fact. We'll work together with the unions.
We have to ensure that Bill 101 contains provisions on the inclusion of working conditions for workers respecting francization. That should therefore be included in francization committee discussions. We think these are important points that must be brought forward.
Does that answer your question, Ms. Martinez Ferrada?