Mr. Commissioner, you say that the perception of English speakers is outdated, but I disagree. We know that, in relation to their demographic weight, their institutions, whether primary or secondary schools, are overfunded. Funding for higher education is three times higher overall than the proportion of anglophones, while in the rest of Canada the opposite is true. Generally speaking, it is francophone institutions that are underfunded in relation to the demographic weight of francophones. It is among allophones who speak French only that the unemployment rate is the highest. They are the ones most penalized by the decline of French.
Currently, francophones in Quebec are considered a majority, which means that they are never consulted. All Quebec organizations that defend and promote French are excluded. They were also excluded from Ms. Joly's large consultation, except for Impératif français because it was considered to be from Canada's capital region.
Don't you think that it would be a good idea to also consult researchers and groups that defend and promote French in Quebec?