To get back to the question, as you mentioned, health is a provincial jurisdiction. However, in the report that we issued on security and official languages in emergency situations, we did consult Canadians, and they did indicate to us that it was extremely important that they receive communications in both official languages irrespective of the level of government.
Actually, for many Canadians, it's really hard to distinguish which level of government should be providing services. At the end of the day, what's important for them is that they receive that information in both official languages, be it from paramedics or from governments.
There is an issue in many provinces around the capacity to provide the information in both official languages, so what we did propose in our report is that the various levels of government work together using the expertise that the federal government definitely has in using both languages in these kinds of situations.
The work has to move forward. We will have a lot of work with respect to how we coordinate the work between various levels of government.