I think that distorts things a bit given what we voted for. We did indeed vote on a motion, but we have received neither the minutes nor the amendment. We were assured that the schedule would not be touched, but now we are suddenly finding out that the study will take place next Tuesday because someone tweeted that Tuesday was a go. I want to say that this alters the meaning of what we voted for, in my view. I do not understand why the committee is proceeding in this way.
That said, I don't want to split hairs. We can carry on with my motion. I moved it at our last meeting, and there are already a number of amendments. We had wanted to study the situation of French in Quebec and the impact of the federal government's language policies on the situation of French and the Charter of the French language in Quebec. We agreed to study the situation of French and of English in Quebec—they go hand in hand, at any rate—and the situation of francophone and Acadian communities.
That study is urgently needed. It hasn't been done in 51 years, which is pretty hard to believe. The Standing Committee on Official Languages was never interested enough in the situation of French in Quebec to study the matter. I must stress the urgency. What's more, researchers in Quebec and French language advocacy groups in Quebec have never been invited to share their views with the committee.
For those reasons, I think the committee should adopt the motion.