Absolutely. I see this when I walk the halls of schools where the francophone community is really a minority, like in downtown Toronto or in communities like Windsor and Sarnia, and I think how we absolutely have to encourage our francophone school boards.
The fact is that the chances of students from the anglophone school boards continuing their education in French are virtually nil, compared to the situation of students in the francophone school boards. The proof is that out of all the students we admit to Collège Boréal every year, only four or five come from anglophone school boards and immersion programs. We believe we really need to focus our energy on students in the francophone school boards. The fact is that in one case out of two, we lose students coming from the francophone school boards, who decide to attend anglophone colleges even if our college offers the same program in French. That is the problem we absolutely have to tackle. I think the emphasis should be more on continuing to invest in organizations managed by and for francophones.