All right.
Alberta's francophone school boards have made the somewhat difficult decision to offer a full-time educational program for kindergarten pupils, whereas anglophone pupils attend kindergarten on only a part-time basis. We were forced to do so as a result of school-transport-related challenges. Given the very large territory that has to be covered, it would be impossible for buses to return the children to their homes and then drive back to school to pick up the older children.
In the circumstances, a large portion of the federal funding that we receive under the official languages in education program is used to fund full-time kindergarten. Full-time kindergarten is a very good thing for francization and for the system, but there's a lack of funding for secondary schools. We lack the resources to encourage students to choose careers in the early childhood field, for example. Our secondary schools could offer optional vocational courses to show students what certain post-secondary courses are like in the early childhood field, for example. However, we don't have the funding for that kind of programming.
In short, there should be a campaign to increase awareness of early childhood occupations and optional courses that would give students a foretaste of what a career in the field might be.