It means a lot in the sense in that, the earlier one starts learning in his or her first language, the greater the chance of their continuing their education in that language.
The issue we have when it comes to early learning is, one, a lack of spaces, and, two, a lack of staff to be able to provide the services.
It is key. In many provinces, we have what we call l'exogamie. I don't know how you say it in English—exogamy. We have numerous couples who are linguistically mixed. The children need access to these supports early on.
I think what's being put forward is crucial to the linguistic vitality of these communities. We have to find ways to staff them. We need more spaces. We just don't have enough spaces.
In 2026, I think we will be renewing it—not the action plan but the program. I think we have to dramatically increase the number of spaces available. Without them, we will lose a significant number of potential students entering our schools.