Good. I'll take a few moments than to give you my version.
The assimilation problem is definitely important. There is much to be done on that, particularly with francophone immigrants. We are working with some English-language institutions that accept them. In my presentation, I mentioned the importance of telling non-francophone institutions that receive immigrants, that they should inform their institutional or other services about who we are, why we are here and about the benefits of settling in francophone communities. We are in fact competing with our non-francophone partners that receive immigrants and send them to English-language schools, for example. We lose them very quickly.
We are also doing battle elsewhere. That's why it's important for us to go out and and promote our communities. People come to Ontario for English. We receive francophones from some African countries who do not want to settle in Quebec because they already speak French well. So they come to Ontario to learn English. They think that living in an anglophone community and having their children go to English-language schools is the solution.
Ontario's French-language culture and image need to be deconstructed for foreigners.