Preparing newcomers would require a contribution from the welcoming communities. Of course here, in most provinces, we have communities that need to be in contact with local agents, people living in communities in Canada who can get this information to different countries.
I believe that I could inform a lot of people. Mr. Sarr could certainly do so in his country. We need to have a role, and the communities need to play an important role, in preparing all the people who want to immigrate.
Very briefly, let's take the example of an Acadian who wants to prepare Africans to come and live in Canada. That's a problem from the get-go. An Acadian would not be an ideal person to prepare Africans, because the Acadian will not understand some of the socio-cultural contexts of the African community. We therefore need to play a more important role in terms of deciding what preparation is needed before other Africans come hee to live.