There may sometimes be a contradiction between what the scientific literature tells us and the political factors. This is very clear and almost unanimous: a state that wants to ensure the long-term flourishing of a vulnerable language must concentrate its efforts in the regions where that language is more widely spoken. For French, these regions are Quebec, northern New Brunswick and eastern Ontario. This is what the scientific approach advocates.
It is certain that, for political reasons, other means can be used to promote French in other places. This must be taken into account and a distinction made between the science and the political factors that may come into play.
Then, we must always differentiate between two objectives that are inherent in language policies. The first aims to see the language flourish. This is best achieved through a territoriality-based approach. The second is to respect individual rights. When we aim for that in a western Canadian community, we do not encourage the territoriality approach. On the other hand, from the point of view of respecting individual language rights, it may be entirely justified to propose measures for very isolated francophone communities in western Canada. Both objectives must be taken into account.