We must never lose sight of the fact that the federal Official Languages Act regime is based more on the personality principle, which doesn't ensure the survival of a vulnerable language like French. In contrast, the Quebec regime is based more on the territoriality principle.
The more the federal government does, insofar as it follows the personality principle, and the less room it makes for the Quebec regime that's based on the territoriality principle, the more French will necessarily be undermined. Therefore, as much as possible, the federal approach must be based on the territoriality principle.
Steps are being taken to do that with the passing of the Use of French in the Federally Regulated Private Businesses Act. At the same time, it would be a good idea to make as much room as possible for the Quebec government, which has the expertise in this area, particularly within the Office québécois de la langue française, and has a consistent policy. Everything must be consistent.
In terms of language planning, we need a policy on immigration and a continuum of measures to promote French from daycare to post-doctorate, both in research and on the labour market.
If the federal government takes different steps, it won't work. We are seeing the federal government align itself somewhat with Bill 101 through its use of French legislation, but not quite fully, especially given Bill 96, which has further protected French since it was passed.