Thank you for your question, Mr. Godin. When you welcome involvement by young people, I count myself in, too.
It is the new section 41(6)(c), as proposed by the bill, that deals with this aspect. This is the problem with the bill, which puts the anglophone minority in Quebec on equal footing with the francophone minorities in the other provinces. However, the federal government obviously must do much more for francophones in the other provinces. The principle of symmetry being applied is therefore problematic.
In concrete terms, when it comes to funding research, different criteria can be used. If we compare the demographic weight of our anglophone fellow Canadians in Quebec to the weight of the anglophone universities in that province, the postsecondary funding there is very much greater than what we might expect. That is an initial indicator of this overfunding.
Another indicator is research funding. When we compare the number of students in anglophone and francophone universities, we see that the major granting agencies like the Social Sciences and Humanities Research Council grant much more money to the anglophone universities McGill, Concordia and, to a lesser extent, Bishop's, and this is unusual.
Research influences the language of work in universities, which train the elites and researchers of tomorrow. We already know the extent to which science is being developed much more in English and the extent to which English is increasingly demanded everywhere on the planet. If governments do not make efforts to have science done in other languages as well, this will be a step backward for French. Even when it comes to diversity of approaches in science, it is important to have more than one scientific language. At present, the federal government tends to give more funding to research in English in Quebec, and that is not ideal.